Our Team

  • Revd Canon Ben Wong, Senior Minister

    Ben was born in China, Jiang Su. He migrated to Hong Kong when he was very young. Ben studied in Melbourne after high school and returned to Hong Kong where he started his own business. In 2004 he was called by God to full time ministry. Ben is now the Senior minister for St Timothy’s Bulleen, St Mark’s Templestowe, and St Stephen’s Greythorn. He is also the Diocesan Chinese Ministry Coordinator and Canon to the Archbishop.

  • Revd Paul Hughes, Associate Minister

    After spending many years leading and working in Youth Ministry Paul was ordained as an Anglican priest in 2013. Paul previously gained a degree in Information Technology and worked in that field for ten years at the University of Melbourne, however ministry remained central to his heart and calling. Paul’s main role is to lead the English language ministry at St Mark’s, Templestowe and to support the youth ministry at both St Mark’s and St Timothy’s. Paul is married to Anna with three daughters and loves to have a kick of the footy and watch his favourite team (when he can).

  • Revd Ivy Wong, Assistant Minister

    Revd Ivy Wong was ordained as an Anglican priest in 2010, she has experience in different Churches. From 2015 onwards she started to serve in St Timothy’s Bulleen. Her main role is to serve in the Chinese congregation, but she is also involved in Children ministry. She is a registered spiritual director at Wellspring Centre so she is able to help parishioners to discern their situation and help them to face their challenges.

  • Revd Terence NG, Assistant Minister

    Terence is a third-generation Christian who grew up in the Baptist Church. Terence was born in Zhejiang, China, grew up in Hong Kong, graduated from Monash University, and is a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA). Terence was engaged in China trade for several years, and later worked for a Hong Kong listed company for over ten years. Terence then settled in Melbourne in 2006 and worked for 8 years at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. In 2014, Terence responded to God’s calling and studied in Melbourne School of Theology as a full-time student. After graduation, he served in an independent Chinese church and an Anglican church. In 2023, Terence joined the TIMA Anglican Parish and currently serves in the churches of St. Timothy’s and St. Stephen’s. He is mainly responsible for the growth of the Cantonese and Mandarin congregations.

  • Revd Penny Charters, Assistant Minister

    Penny was ordained in 1996 at St. Paul’s Cathedral after completing a Bachelor of Theology/Dip Min at Ridley College in Melbourne. She was a Curate at St Paul’s, Ringwood (now Mullum Mullum Anglican Church) and then was appointed Vicar at St Martin’s, Belgrave Heights with All Saints’ Selby from 1999-2014. Penny was also Chaplain at Belgrave South Primary School for 5 years. In 2015, All Saints’ Mitcham invited Penny to be Vicar up until her recent retirement from full time ministry, 9th March 2022. Another aspect of ministry was completed in 2016 when Penny graduated as a Spiritual Director from Living Well Centre with some time too at Wellspring Ashburton… Penny celebrates life with Geoff, their two daughters and two grand girls. Senior Charters live in Ringwood East and the younger Charters around the inner city. Penny’s interests include hockey, bush walking, music … exploring places, a foodie who loves spice, chillies and all that is delightful! Barracks for Hawthorn!

  • Connie Gao, Mandarin Lay Minister

    Connie grew up, studied and worked in China and moved to Melbourne in 2011, becoming a Christian soon after. In 2017, she left her job to start a Bachelor of Theology at Melbourne School of Theology and is currently a theological student. Connie joined the ministry team at St. Timothy’s Anglican Church Bulleen in early 2021 as a Lay Minister. She currently serves in the Mandarin congregations at both Bulleen and Balwyn North (St. Stephen’s).

  • Katie, Children Ministry Worker

    Katie was born in China but was raised in Melbourne. She accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour during her 2nd year of Uni. Ever since she was baptised in 2001, she has been involved in Music ministry, Youth ministry and Children ministry. She is passionate about ministering young people and seeing them encounter Jesus, grow in faith, and become ambassadors of Christ. Katie currently leads the Sunday School ministry across TIMA parish. Katie enjoys spending time with family and friends, cooking, and knitting (when she can).